a woman looking up

Montefiore Einstein is doing more to restore the lives of stroke survivors

Montefiore Einstein earned its certification as a Comprehensive Stroke Center (CSC) by providing state-of-the-art care for the full range of neurovascular conditions while following the latest treatment guidelines and supported by the latest technology. Montefiore Einstein consistently achieves outstanding patient outcomes and leads research to advance treatments that give stroke patients the best chance of recovery. A multidisciplinary team which consists of 24/7 on-call neurosurgeons and interventional doctors triage and treat patients quickly and safely. Montefiore is part of an elite group of health systems to achieve this certification nationwide, and the first in the Bronx and Westchester.

man pointing to an exam

An integrated approach to life-threatening stroke conditions

Montefiore is a recognized leader in stroke services including state-of-the art acute and long-term management and preventative care. As a designated Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center, Montefiore Einstein, identifies and treats victims of stroke rapidly and efficiently using state of the art medical and interventional therapies, including complex SAH. SAH is bleeding into the space that surrounds the brain. it is a life threatening condition frequently caused by ruptured aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), or head injury.

man lifting a dumbbell. a woman helping him

Improving outcomes with state-of-the-art rehabilitation

Once treated, our patients receive the highest quality physical therapy and rehabilitation care at Montefiore Einstein’s premier Burke Rehabilitation Hospital. Montefiore Einstein also offers a support group for stroke patients and their families. Working hand-in-hand with our award-winning Caregiver Support Center, families learn about the recovery process for stroke patients.

a woman taking an exam

Buying precious time to reverse disability

Though stroke is the leading cause of adult disability in the nation, it is one of the few diseases that can be reversed if treated early enough. Advances in imaging technology allow us to pinpoint the location of a blockage in the brain and perform a thrombectomy, a procedure in which we mechanically remove the clot to restore blood flow.

By performing mechanical thrombectomies, we are able to treat well beyond the traditional 4.5-hour time limit, with some patients able to be treated up to 24 hours after the stroke. This endovascular procedure can begin to reverse disability immediately, ultimately allowing patients to walk and speak again, and regain their quality of life. Seeing a patient make a full recovery after rehab inspires us to continue to provide excellent stroke care.

Meet Our Team


David Altschul

Director of Neurovascular Surgery
Co-Director Montefiore Comprehensive Stroke Center
Assistant Professor

Neurological Surgery


Daniel Antoniello

Daniel Antoniello

Neurology, Vascular Neurology



Allan Brook

Allan Brook

Interventional Radiology and Diagnostic Radiology



Charles Esenwa

Charles Esenwa

Vascular Neurology, Neurology



Neil Haranhalli

Neil Haranhalli

Neurological Surgery

Neurological Surgery



Kathryn Kirchoff

Vascular Neurology, Neurology



Seon Kyu Lee

Seon Kyu lee

Neuroradiology, Radiology



Daniel Labovitz

Daniel Labovitz

Neurology, Vascular Neurology



Oleg Otilvanchik

Oleg Otlivanchik

Neurology, Vascular Neurology



Ainie Soetanto

Ainie Soetanto

Neurology, Vascular Neurology



Richard Zampolin

Richard Zampolin

Radiology, Neuroradiology



About Strokes

stroke facts

Facts About Strokes

Learn about major types of strokes, their prevalence, and how they affect people by gender, ethnicity, and age.

a doctor lokking an exam

Stroke Prevention & Identification

Approximately 80% of strokes are preventable. Knowing what to look for can make the difference.

man wearing mask

Stroke & COVID-19

As our experience with patients who have contracted COVID-19 has evolved, a connection between the virus and stroke has emerged.

Contact Us

Moses Campus
3316 Rachambeau Avenue
Bronx, New York 10467

two women hugging and laughing

With your help, we can make a real difference in the lives of people living with stroke. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity.